I work with technologies that support communication. I view these systems on a continuum: from communicating through technology (e.g. video conferencing, social media) - to communicating around technology (e.g. multi-user digital displays) - to communicating directly with technology (e.g. chatbots, voice activated assistants, social robots). I analyze the user’s information sharing patterns and expectations of data dynamics with diverse types of systems. Most recently, my work was focused on human-AI and human-human mediated communication.
Intelligent Agents
These projects explore user interactions with embodied and disembodied intelligent social agents, including conversational assistants, chatbots, social drones, etc. In particular, most recently we have been working on understanding the role and mechanisms of anthropomorphized perceptions of these intelligent agents and its effects on users’ behaviour and information sharing attitudes.

Image by Gerd Altmann
Herdel, V., ​Kuzminykh, A​., Hildebrandt, A., Cauchard, J. Drone in Love: Emotional Perception of Facial Expressions on Flying Robots. ​​Proceedings of the ​2021 CHI​ Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems​. ACM, 2021.
Herdel, V., Kuzminykh, A., Hildebrandt, A., Cauchard J. R. "Elicitation of Emotional Responses to Flying Robots with Facial Expressions" 2nd Momentary Emotion Elicitation & Capture workshop (MEEC 2020), co-located with the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2021.
Kuzminykh, A., Sun, J., Govindaraju, N., Avery, J,. Lank, E. Genie In The Bottle: Anthropomorphized Perceptions Of Conversational Agents.​ Proceedings of the​2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems​. ACM, 2020.
A. Kuzminykh​, J. Cauchard.​ How We Own Drones: On the Sense of Ownership in the Drone Design. The Interdisciplinary Workshop on Human-Drone Interaction (iHDI 2020 @ CHI 2020).
Multi-User Interactions
New technology is moving towards intuitive and natural interactions, often aiming to support multiple users. However, there is a lack of understanding of the mechanisms that impact the shared usage of such products, and current Multi-User interfaces address each of the users as an individual that works independently from others. Our projects in this area aim to explore whether and how these systems should act differently in different situations, with different people, in different group settings.

Image by Omar Medina Films
Shavitt, C., Kuzminykh, A., Ridel, I., Cauchard J. R. Naturally Together: A Systematic Approach for Multi-User Interaction With Natural Interfaces. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2. CSCW (2021).
Wehbe, R., Dickson, T., ​Kuzminykh, A.​, Nacke, L., Lank, E. Personal Space in Play: Physical and Digital Boundaries in Large-Display Cooperative and Competitive Games.​Proceedings of the ​2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems​. ACM, 2020
Kuzminykh, A.​, Cauchard, J. Be Mine: Contextualization of Ownership Research in HCI. In Proceedings of the ​2020 CHI​ Conference ​Extended Abstracts​ on Human Factors in Computing Systems.​ ACM, 2020.
Kuzminykh, A​., Lank, E. How Much is Too Much?: Understanding the Information Needs of Parents of Young Children. ​Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, (​IMWUT’19​)​.
Pietroszek, K., ​Kuzminykh, A​., Wallace, J., Lank, E. Smartcasting: A Discount 3D Interaction Technique for Public Displays. ​Proceedings of the 26th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference. ACM, 2014 ​​(​OzCHI’14​)
Context-Awareness in Mediated Communication
This research is motivated by the effort to support information sharing within communication processes, as well as further handling of this information, through its contextual interpretation. We explore the effects of communication context by investigating how and what contextual factors affect user’s information sharing. We show that depending on the system’s position between a user and an intended information receiving agent – whether communication happens through, around, or directly with the system – the system should have different patterns of operational adaptation to communication context.

Image by jeonghwaryu0
Md Montaser Hamid, M., Alam, T., Rabbi, F., Hasan, K., ​Kuzminykh, A.,​Amin, R. Emergence of Polarization and Marginalization in Online Education System of Bangladesh due to COVID-19: Challenges and Remedies. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.​ Springer, 2021
Kuzminykh, A.​, Rintel, S. Classification of Functional Attention in Video Meetings.​Proceedings of the ​2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems​. ACM, 2020.
Kuzminykh, A.​, Rintel, S. Low Engagement in Remote Meetings As a Communication Practice. ​In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI​ Conference ​Extended Abstracts​ on Human Factors in Computing Systems.​ ACM, 2020.
Kuzminykh, A​., Lank, E. People Searched by People: Context-Based Selectiveness in Online Search. Proceedings of the​ 2016 DIS​ Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. ACM, 2016​
A. Kuzminykh. ​Presence & Co-Presence in Remote and Co-located remote collaboration. Workshop on Supporting “Local Remote” Collaboration (CSCW 2015). (​PDF​)
A. Kuzminykh​, J. Wallace, R. Zanibbi, S. Scott, E. Lank.​How Changing Communication Channels Affect Communication Patterns: Implications for the Design of Smart Objects​. Workshop on Social Internet of Things (OzCHI 2014).
Kuzminykh, A., Enikolopov, S. Perception of Aggressiveness of Communicative Information Depending on a Speaker's Gender.​ International ​Journal of Information & Education Technology​. 5(1), 2015.​